
Hi there, my name is Paige. Thanks for stopping by and checking out the website! I’m a 29 year old, University of Oregon graduate living in the San Francisco Bay Area (originally from Portland Oregon). I use a lot of my free time to take care of my indoor jungle. I love all plants and nature, I find it wildly fascinating. I originally got into caring for plants indoors because I missed the lush greenery of Oregon. My parents have always been ‘gardeners’ but moreso outside than inside. I started my journey in a cozy 600 sqft apartment where I started plant journaling (House Plant Plant Club, Instagram) for fun and to tap into my ‘creative’ side. On Wednesdays and Fridays I feature other people’s planty pics to share the love, since I love looking at other peoples plants through IG and in real life. What is House Plant Plant Club you ask? Well, unfortunately it’s not a ‘club’, it’s just part of the name. I’ve never been a fan of exclusive clubs to be completely honest. I’ve met so many plant enthusiasts through HPPC!

I am so grateful for everyone I have met on this journey, there are some amazing plant enthusiasts, photographers and all around good people out there. I encourage everyone to try their hand at taking care of plants--it is very rewarding in so many ways. Plus, plant people are the best people. I hope you enjoy this website!

Love, Paige