Paige's Top 5 House Plants of 2018

What. A. Crazy. Year.


Whenever December rolls around I can’t help but think back on the year, does anyone else instinctively do this too? I had some failures, killed a few plants, but more importantly—I overcame many things and learned. Not to mention ‘House Plant Plant Club’ was born, a space to share what I love that I am so grateful for (and showcase many incredible people). Anyway, I often think about many things on my drive to work, and for the past month I’ve been thinking about all the plants I’ve cared for this year—especially my favorite ones. So I want to share with you my top 5 plants of 2018! Shh, don’t tell the others, ok?

Feel free to comment your top 5 plants from this year and include your IG handle! I will pick the best answer and feature it in a feed post.


5. Pilea Peperomioides AKA Chinese Money Plant

The Pilea Peperomioide came in hot this year! If you know, you know. It was one of the IT plants of 2018, and they were quite scarce + quite expensive at one point. Everyone cringed when the bottom leaves would yellow—it’s not the easiest plant but at least it’s not so expensive now. Don’t overwater, don’t pot it too big and give it good bright indirect light! It’ll grow tall and strong if you love it right. To be honest, I’m surprised mine didn’t die. This is a photo of my plant about 3 months after I got it and now it’s pretty tall (almost a year old). This plant makes the cutest babies that are easy to propagate!

It’s such a cute plant, you can’t deny that.

It’s such a cute plant, you can’t deny that.


4. Monstera Adansonii

I love trailing plants, and I love the famous Swiss Cheese plant because it’s fenestrations (slits in more mature leaves). The Monstera Adansonii is the best of both—a vining plant (also climbs) that also has the famous holes. I’m having it climb in my home using 3M light clips. I am making sure the roots don’t attach to the wall though, since they can damage it. This plant stole my heart this year, and it is surprisingly easy to take care of (I have heard it’s not always easy).

In this video, I show you how I attached my Monstera Adansonii to the wall.


3. Sansevieria Sayuri

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I found this beautiful Sansevieria by chance, and it’s one of the harder ones to come by. I’m going to be completely honest—I thought it was Sansevieria Bantel Sensation, which at the time was what I was looking for. Luckily @heyitsjan corrected me, thanks Jan! Anyway, if you do find this Sansevieria you’ll know: it’s a beautiful light color with striking marks. It was love at first sight, plus it was shooting leaves out the bottom! I really fell in love with Sansevieria this year—and I think the whole pant community did as well. #SansevieriaSunday really popped off, and I absolutely love seeing everyone’s Sansevieria gangs. Plus they’re air purifying, and for that I salute you Sansevierias. Pretty and functional plants are the best.


2. Calathea Orbifolia

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I had many Calatheas this year but this one was by far my favorite. Let me just say that this and my Calathea Musaica were the only ones that didn’t get spider mites. They were also the easiest to take care of/least sensitive. I love Calatheas because it’s so satisfying to see/watch new leaves unfurl, and the white-ish markings on the Orbifolia are so gorgeous against the light green of the leaves. It makes a beautiful statement in any person’s plant collection and home. They were somewhat hard to come by at the start of the spring but they started showing up more toward the end of summer. I’m sure they will be highly cultivated next year.


1. Begonia Maculata Wightii

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I mean, c’mon, it has gorgeous spots and the leaves are in the shape of angel wings. Plus, the backs of the leaves are this beautiful maroon color. This plant is literally drop dead gorgeous. I feel like I don’t really need to explain anything more than these details. Nature is so dang beautiful.

I battled with mold this year with this guy—probably because I bought it with mold on it without noticing. Make sure that you check your plants for pests and mold when shopping/before buying. I learned that the hard way this year.

There ya have it folks!

Make sure to comment your Top 5 House Plants of 2018! I can’t wait to read your picks :)

Love, Paige

Paige's Favorite House Plant Shops (San Francisco Bay Area)

“Plants are cheaper than therapy.”

House plants are totally rad.

Here are some reasons why you should consider putting house plants in your home:

  • a lot of house plants clean the air (sansevieria, aloe, spider plants etc.)

  • they are so darn cute

  • watching them grow is really fun

  • seeing your plant grow will make you feel amazing

People often ask me where I like to go plant shopping. That is a loaded question to me because each shop is different. I do know that I prefer to shop at local businesses instead of big chain stores—I'm all for shopping local. I also go gaga for stores with lots of handmade goods that also have plants (hand thrown ceramics make me drool).

So here is a list of my top 5 favorite plant stores in the San Francisco Bay Area:

5. Flowerland (Albany, CA)


I definitely found out about Flowerland on Instagram. It was Pride week and everyone in the bay was repping rainbow, love it by the way. I saw a picture of their shop front where they had outdoor chairs in a line on top of their building, each chair being a color in the rainbow. I was like, this is cool. So I went and checked it out. Well well well, I was pleasantly surprised by how awesome this plant shop is. It is very large, probably the largest one in the list, with a lot of outdoor plants as well. Outside there is an airstream that serves coffee—so cute! The inside area where the registers are is where all the house plants are and many plant related gifts. They had some awesome pots within different price ranges which I really loved, but what I was really impressed by was their plant related book collection! They had a few books I’ve had my eye on for a while which was nice to finally be able to get ahold of. This is definitely a “pretty” shop so make sure to bring your camera/charge your phone!

4. Plant and Pottery Outlet (Sunol)


This was the first nursery in California I ever went to. They have a greenhouse dedicated to just house plants, it’s absolutely magical. They are family owned and often have sales during holiday weekends. Whenever I go here it reminds me of when I didn’t know much about houseplants, and also how much I’ve grown in this hobby. When you’re in their greenhouse, I guarantee you too will become a plant enthusiast (if you aren’t already!). If you’re looking for a large plant, I would definitely check this place out. I also think their prices are very reasonable for the quality of plants they sell. This is where I bought my Monstera Deliciosa, and boy was I excited! Oh, and of course they have amazing pots/planters! Lots of large ones for outside too at reasonable prices. They have a whole lot dedicate to discounted pots if you cross their little bridge to the other side of the nursery (hence the name). Aren’t these pots awesome?

3. The Dry Garden (Berkeley)


Oh The Dry Garden is amazing. To be honest I wanted to rate this as my #1 but to be fair there are more drought tolerant plants (cacti and succulents) than house plants. However, if you’re looking for hard to find drought tolerant plants, this is the place to be. They have some really unusual cacti and succulents. I was lucky enough to score some sansevieria sayuri here—which in the moment I thought was sansevieria bantel sensation, whoops. I also saw some other unusual sansevieria when I went, at decent prices. This place is also independently owned, I think it is ran by two guys who are both very nice.

Funny story, the first time I went here I totally missed the hot house (pictured) which is the most epic part of the shop besides the checkout area where they have all their super rare plants. It’s definitely a Kodak moment. So when you go, don’t forget to check out their hot house! It’s in the back of the nursery, so go all the way back and swing a left!

2. Roots (San Francisco)


Ah, Roots. When Jamie and I went to Roots in SF—we both were freaking out. It’s literally an indoor jungle, it’s absolutely incredible. Their small space is covered head to toe in beautiful house plants, small and large. You feel like you’re in a jungle—your body being enveloped in beautiful greenery. But what makes this store so amazing is the shop owner, Michelle. She is awesome and full of life, I loved meeting her. She is the true definition of a plant person: very generous, kind and knowledgable. The shop contained a lot of unusual plants, it’s one of those places you need to look hard or you might miss something magical. I saw lots of different kinds of sansevieria which is always a treat. Here is my favorite picture I snapped while there, look at the size of that Bird of Paradise! You can even see a new leaf emerging. This is just a small part of the shop, you’ll have to go see the rest of it yourself :), can’t ruin the whole experience right?


1. Encinal Nursey (Alameda)


I love Encinal Nursery so much, it’s definitely a plant shop you must visit. It’s very much a family owned shop, and I was lucky enough to meet the shop owner’s daughter who I think owns the actual shop. This is where I got my unicorn plant—the ficus triangularis variagata, which is one of the reasons why this is my favorite nursery in all of the Bay Area (so far). I don’t think she has any more of this plant though since I bought the mother plant and I think she sold the rest of what she propagated. This nursery contains an amazing hot house full of everything planty, it has a very good variety of everything which is another reason why I chose this shop as my #1 pick. I saw some very unusual cacti when I last went. The first time I went here I stayed for over an hour, crazy plant lady much? It’s quite the experience to walk down the hot house, I give it 5 stars!